Thursday, August 7, 2008

That's WHO?

So, yesterday was our 28 week check-up and ultrasound appointment. I was nervous beforehand, because I hadn't felt much movement from the girls for a couple of days. At the last ultrasound appointment, I was told that Baby A (Katherine, or Katie for short) was all tucked up underneath my ribcage on my right side, and that Baby B (Olivia, or Livvy for short) was all stretched out and comfortable on her side, the left side of my body. So, of course, I've taken to talking to them throughout the day:

"Livvy, quit pushing your sister around."

"Katie, Honey, are you okay? I haven't felt you kick all day!"

"Livvy, I'm going to call you the Bully of the Womb."

"Katie, Sweetie, don't let your sister push your around. Make room for yourself."

As you can tell, in my mind their personalities were already forming, and I was already "in the know" about how my girls would be in life: Katie is the sweet older sister, well behaved and reliable. Olivia is confident and aggressive in what she wants in life; fun and crazy. All my little fantasies revolved around these facts.

All from a 26 week ultrasound.

Well, guess what? Yesterday, we went for the 28 week ultrasound, and the technician starts telling me how Baby A (remember, that's Katie!) is on my left side, and is all spread out and nice and comfortable, and Baby B (Livvy!) is all scrunched up on the other side, trying to find more room for herself.

What?!?!?! Am I crazy? I thought it was the complete opposite! I know that's what she said last time. Now I don't know my girls at all. Everything I thought about Katie is not true, and everything I thought about Olivia is the opposite. My poor sweet Livvy!

I know some of you will think that I can just switch Livvy to Baby A, and Katie to Baby B. Well, that's just not happening! Baby A will be born first, and will have my mother's name as her middle name and my sister and brother-in-law as her Godparents, and Baby B will have my mother-in-law's name as her middle name, and my sister-in-law and her husband as her Godparents. This has all been determined. We can't switch that now! We won't!

So, now I have to start all over again, trying to learn about my daughters.

And, what happens in 2 weeks, at my 30 week check-up? Is she going to switch it up again? My poor children are going to be born with identity crises, and my husband is already telling me I'm a bad mother for not being able to tell my twin daughters apart.

Great...just something else to worry about!