Monday, July 21, 2008


I don't know if it's lazy days of summer, or lazy days of pregnancy, but these days without question I am L-A-Z-Y!!

I mean, don't get me wrong. I've never been the most motivated person in the world. I've always been more "experience" driven than task or goal oriented. Hence, the fear regarding becoming a mother and - even more scary for me - a homeowner! Responsibility has never been my strong point, nor has commitment.

Did you ever watch the show "The New Adventures of Old Christine"? There was a really funny episode last season about how Christine (played by Julia Louis-Dreyfus) never finishes anything she starts. My favorite part was when her brother unearths some plaque or something that Christine had made. It read, "Bless this Ho". Of course, she explains, she never finished it. It should read, "Bless this House". I love it. Sooooo me!!

If only I could even name all of the things I have started with complete and total enthusiasm, only to get bored a minute and a half later!! You wouldn't believe the list! ADHD, perhaps? Or is it OCD? I don't know...probably one of those acronyms.

Anyway, these days it is worse than ever. I just can't seem to get anything accomplished! I know, I know. The kind people of the world will tell me to relax, it's okay. I'm 6 months pregnant with twins. I should be tired. It's to be expected. Blah, blah, blah.

True, perhaps. But what about all the wonder women out there who seem to be able to do it all? Regardless of children, pregnancy, major life changes, or anything else that gets thrown in their paths. Surely not everyone can be as bad as me!! I mean, other people actually get things done, don't they?

These days, I should be packing for our move, researching and shopping for a minivan, finishing my registry, picking out the babies' furniture, deciding what we're doing to the townhouse before we move in, picking out paint colors, cleaning and discarding things we don't need, balancing the checkbook, going food shopping, writing in my blog every day, writing in my pregnancy journal every day, taking lots of pictures of my pregnancy, posting said pictures online, doing my yoga, doing my kegals, finishing the scrapbook I started, flossing my teeth every day, feeding the dog and giving him fresh water every day, giving the same dog his pills for his infected anal glands every day, cooking dinner for me and hubby. . .

(Speaking of, Thank God for my wonderful husband!! He makes life much easier, and gladly picks up the slack for me, although he actually works for a living and therefore often comes home tired and hungry and sometimes even expecting food, if not on the table, at least in our home. Somewhere. Like a can of soup even. Yes, I know it's the dead of summer, but what can I tell you? I'm lazy!)

I can't seem to bring myself to do any of these things. At least not to completion, or every day as required. One major activity a day appears to be my limit. Today, I had my parents drive me all the way to Cherry Hill (about 50 minutes away) to see a diaper bag that I found online. (BTW, I LOVED it!) I basically hung out in bed 'til I had to get up and shower (at least I'm still doing that daily!) so I'd be ready for them to pick me up at 2pm. We drove there, checked out the bag, added it to my registry, and then left. On the way home, we stopped to eat (also something I've been able to do A LOT of every day. Yes, I know I said I have no food at home, but takeout is great, and so is Mom's cooking!Thank God for her, too!) and as soon as I got home, I crawled into bed. It was 6pm.

The only reason I'm awake right now is because my dog had to be walked. (This is one of those tasks I have definitely tried to pass off on Alan. I don't think it's so much because I'm lazy, but because the damn dog pulls me all over the place these days, and I simply cannot control him anymore. Or at least, don't have the energy to try). Ever since then (about 8pm), I've basically been on the computer, reading other blogs, playing on Facebook, just basically surfing through the Internet.

As we all know, it's a favorite past time for the lazy! ;)

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